Can my Criminal Defense Attorney Promise me an Outcome in my Case?

So you need a criminal defense attorney and you are trying to find the right fit for you. What do you do if you are sitting down with a Minnesota criminal defense attorney and they say something like “if you hire me, I guarantee that I will get your case dismissed” or even “I promise this outcome”? If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, sit down with an experienced criminal defense attorney. Better yet, make sure they are a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist.

“If a criminal defense attorney promises you an outcome, RUN!”

What can your Lawyer Promise You?

A criminal defense attorney can use all of the hard work, experience and talent to do the best job possible defending your right. Thie means getting all of the discovery and analyzing it for facts, the law and more. They can also further investigate the events to determine what the police missed in their investigation. There are other opportunities as well. They try cases and do additional training in order to be better at these skills. However, there are a bunch of factors that they can’t control.

The outcome of a criminal case depends on many factors including the strength of the evidence, the actions of the police, the crime scene analysis, the arguments made by the prosecution, the judge or jury's understanding interpretation of the law, and other variables that are simply outside of an attorney's control. Of course, it also may simply be what evidence actually ends of before the jury at trial. There is a lot of room between a criminal charge and a verdict. It is critical to remember this.

So, back to our original question. What should you do if a criminal defense attorney promises you an outcome?My response: Run. This kind of a blanket statement may highlight the attorney’s misunderstanding of the process, the variable factors involved or maybe even the ethical obligation for honesty, transparency and candor with their client.

“One problem with this promise is that there is enormous amounts of room between a criminal charge and a jury verdict.”

If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, understanding your rights it important. Understanding the process that you face is also critical. A part of that mix is having an experienced, qualified and capable criminal defense attorney by your side along the way. You shouldn’t be blindsided by what is coming at you.

Jack Rice is a nationally known and experienced Criminal Defense Attorney. He is also a former prosecutor, a former CIA Officer and a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. Jack is also the Founder of Jack Rice Defense, a boutique criminal defense firm in St. Paul, Minnesota. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. Jack’s got your back.


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