Theft, Shoplifting,Fraud + Property Crimes Attorney in St. Paul, Minnesota
Theft, Fraud and Property crimes can include anything from simple theft to felony medicare fraud in MN.
St. Paul Theft, Shoplifting, Fraud and Property Crime Lawyer
Theft, Shoplifting, Fraud, and Property crimes can include anything from simple theft like shoplifting to transaction card fraud to auto theft to felony medicare fraud. Worse, because of the way these statutes are written, many become felonies with even very small dollar amounts. Try getting and keeping a job, getting into school, or getting and keeping a professional license. Worst of all, you can be seen as dishonest, a thief. Who wants to hire or retain that? How do you Beat Theft, Fraud and Property Crime Charges - 4 Steps to Success.
This is the problem with these kinds of charges. Further, on more serious fraud charges, prison can be a very real possibility, like medicare fraud crimes. Jack Rice Defense has decades of experience handling these exact kinds of cases including the largest medicare fraud case in Minnesota history. The ramifications may be severe so don’t compromise. Hire the best, St. Paul Criminal Defense Attorney Jack Rice.
What Our Clients are Saying
Don’t Let a Theft or Fraud Charge Destroy Your Future
How long does it take to build a future? It can take years of dedication, planning, hard work, education and money to put yourself in a place where you can be successful in your life. It takes so long because it takes time to build up credibility, legitimacy and confidence that you are the right person. Now, with all of that before you, what happens if you add the word, criminal to the mix?
Future employers are looking for honest and dependable people, people with character and people who will make them look good in the eyes of the public. So, they will look at your background, and experience and education but as importantly, they will be looking for a certain kind of person. Once they see “convicted criminal” will they bother to even read any further or will they move on to the next candidate?
Theft, fraud and property crime charges come with a list of challenges. First, they are often crimes of honesty and moral turpitude crimes. They have to do with trust which is frequently critical to just about any line of work and future you will pursue. In fact, there are a lot of careers you will never be able to qualify for simply because of a conviction regardless of experience, capability and explanations to the contrary.
However, there is one other problem with these kinds of charges. Because of the extraordinarily low value requirements, these cases can frequently reach felony levels even on first offenses. Now imagine how being a convicted felon can impact your life.
Award-Winning St. Paul, MN Theft, Fraud + Property Crime Attorney
Having an experienced criminal defense lawyer at your side from the beginning can make all of the difference. Jack Rice Defense has decades of experience in defending theft, fraud, and property crime charges. Are there defenses? Are there alternatives to a conviction? Diversion programs. Sit down with Jack and look at your options.
Theft, Fraud + Property Crimes in Minnesota Can Include:
Felony Check Forgery
Felony Medicare Fraud
Felony Transaction Card Fraud
Felony Welfare Fraud
Recent Blog Posts on St. Paul, MN Theft, Fraud + Property Crimes
FAQs About Theft, Fraud + Property Crimes in St. Paul, MN
These crimes are wide ranging, but they revolve around the theft or destruction of money or property. They can include anything from simple theft to transaction card fraud to auto theft to felony medicare fraud.
Identity theft can be charged as a felony or a misdemeanor depending on the circumstances, so the sentencing guidelines vary greatly. The defendant may be forced to pay a substantial fine, or they could face jail or prison time.
Theft charges can include burglary, credit card theft, theft of a vehicle, shoplifting, and many others. Any time a person takes something that does not belong to them without the permission of the owner, they may face a theft charge.
Look for an attorney you feel you can trust due to their openness, compassion, and experience. Consider reviews from past clients, but also get to know the attorney through a consultation before you decide to retain him. It also helps to have a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist.
You’ll need to work with an attorney who is familiar with these charges. Your attorney can help you determine the best outcome for your case, and they can create a defense to get you there.
A defense attorney with experience in the Minnesota court system can see all the possible outcomes to your case. He knows the players, the process, and the applicable laws. This knowledge allows him to create an impressive defense.
A first offense is still a crime and cold still result in jail time. If you have been charged with a felony, jail time may be a real possibility. It does not matter whether you have been charged with a crime before – but if you have, your punishment may be even more severe. Talk to an experienced theft, fraud and property crimes criminal defense attorney.
If you are wrongfully accused of any crime, you should always work with a criminal defense attorney to prove your innocence. Your attorney can help you collect evidence to show you are not guilty and protect your rights.
Jack Rice is a MSBA Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and former prosecutor with experience defending against theft, fraud, and property crime charges. Regardless of the chargers, in Minnesota, Jack will know what to do!