Domestic Assault + Family
Related Crimes Attorney in St. Paul, MN
Sometimes the most explosive and life impacting charges of all.
St. Paul Domestic Assault Lawyer
These are some of the most personal, emotional, complex, and legally difficult charges anybody faces. In the short term, it can mean arrest, mugshots, court appearances, and Judges issuing no contact orders which mean a person being forced to leave their house if they live with the complaining witness. This is even before conviction. What happens is people make false allegations?
In the long term, it can mean jail, loss of professional license if you are doctor, nurse, teacher, etc., loss of gun rights, and more. Jack Rice Defense has decades of experience defending people facing these kinds of cases. He has also written extensively about Minnesota Domestic Assault Crimes. Click here for more. Again, if this situation sounds all too familiar, call Jack Rice Defense and let us stand beside you. As importantly, just know that it is possible to Beat Domestic Assault Charges in St. Paul - 4 Steps to Success.
Frequently Charged Domestic Assault Crimes
Misdemeanor, Gross Misdemeanor and Felony Domestic Assault
Domestic assaults are some of the most aggressively prosecuted charges in Minnesota. They are also some of the most personal, gut wrenching and challenging of all charges. They are also get worse, the more you get.
Misdemeanor, Gross Misdemeanor and Felony Violations of No Contact Orders
No contact orders are issued by the Court and not by a person who claims they are a victim. As a result, somebody can find themselves out of their house immediately because of a mere allegation. However, convictions can be brutal.
Misdemeanor, Gross Misdemeanor and Felony Violations of of Orders for Protection
Orders for Protections are requested from individuals seeking protection with the Court. Nevertheless, violations are aggressively prosecuted and can get worse quickly.
Felony Domestic Assault by Strangulation
Domestic assault by strangulation charges are charged out as felonies even for first time offenses. They frequently come with no contact orders and can result, in some cases, in prison time.
Felony Threats of Violence or Terroristic Threats Charges
Felony Threats of Violence or Terroristic Threats charges can happen with just the wrong set of words as well as actions. The County Attorney fights these and a conviction can easily put somebody in a jail cell if not prison.
Gross Misdemeanor and Felony Child Endangerment Charges
While parents have the right to discipline their children, the laws in Minnesota can be very harsh for any who cross the line into abuse. Mandatory reporters like teachers, doctors, nurses, counselors and others frequently bring these charges to the attention of authorities.
What Our Clients are Saying
The Challenges of Handling Domestic Assault Charges
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A St. Paul, MN Domestic Assault Attorney You Can Trust
Domestic assault cases are some of the most difficult to handle in the criminal justice system. Simply put, they are frequently the most emotionally packed with history, complications, pain, loss and more. Also, the impact that they can have immediately can sometimes override any other kinds of cases. To start with, having this kind of conviction can make you seem mentally unbalanced. I’m not suggesting that it is true. It is the perception that can matter in these cases.
In many courts across Minnesota, Judges frequently issue no contact orders almost immediately. This means you will be forced out of your house from the very beginning, long before you have a trial. So much for the presumption of innocence, right? Where would you go as the Court keeps track of you pending the outcome of the case? That is just the beginning.
Domestic charges are also enhanceable offenses. That means that if you get more than one charge, they get more and more serious. I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen cases turn into felonies in a matter of weeks. Hence, the ramifications are huge. How would you handle a felony? What would this do to your relationship, your job, your career, your reputation?
When Your Career is On the Line, You Need Jack Rice
For people with professional licenses or for those in positions of trust, even a simple misdemeanor first time domestic charges can result in you losing your professional license, your ability to work. Let me say that again, if you are convicted of a misdemeanor domestic assault where you made the other person simply afraid of harm, you could lose your right to be a doctor, nurse, cop, pilot, EMT and a lot more. It's likely you are obligated to provide that information to your Board of Review and they do not look kindly on that.
These are just a few of the ramifications of a domestic assault conviction. As you can tell, if you are facing these kinds of charges, don’t think you can fake your way through. You can’t. If you make the wrong moves or think you can just brush it off or make it go away, you could pay a lifetime price. If you are facing a domestic assault charge, sit down with Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist Jack Rice.
Recent Blog Posts on Domestic Violence in St. Paul, MN
FAQs About Domestic Assault in St. Paul, MN
Domestic violence is violence that occurs specifically within a family or household relationship. While it is often perpetrated against an intimate partner, domestic violence can also be directed toward a child or another family member.
Absolutely anyone can experience domestic violence. We often discuss domestic violence in the context of women being abused by their male partners, but the perpetrator doesn't need to be bigger or stronger than the victim to engage in abusive behavior. Both men and women have the ability to be the abuser and the abused.
Domestic violence can happen in any relationship, regardless of the genders and sexualities of the two parties. Sadly, many LGBTQ people who are victims of domestic violence are afraid to come forward because of the lack of societal attention to this topic. They may feel as if the abuse isn’t “bad enough” because their partner is the same gender as them and doesn’t fit stereotypes.
Men can be the victims of domestic violence, even if they are in a relationship with a woman. The goal of domestic abuse is control, and many abusers combine several types of abuse to keep their victim under control. Just because a man may be physically larger than his partner, it doesn’t mean he cannot be a victim of abuse.
Domestic violence and domestic violence charges are common in Minnesota, and numbers are increasing. Many people are charged with domestic violence each year, and unfortunately, some of these accusations are not substantiated.
Each situation is different, so loved ones should ask the victim what exactly they need to be safe in their relationship. Reporting the abuse to law enforcement may not always be the best way to keep someone safe, but it is an option that should be strongly considered.
The biggest difference between the two is that assault can be perpetrated against anyone, even a stranger, while the title of domestic violence is reserved for intimate relationships between partners and family members. Assault can have many motivations, whereas domestic assault applies to those in an intimate relationship or in a household.
A jail or prison sentence is a possibility with a felony conviction. If it is your first domestic violence conviction, you may receive time in jail (up to three years), a fine of up to $5,000, or a combination of the two.
If you’ve been falsely accused of domestic violence in St. Paul, retain a domestic violence attorney right away. The prosecutors have the burden of proof, so your attorney’s focus will be on creating a defense that clearly shows your innocence.
If this incident follows a pattern of abuse, it can absolutely be considered domestic violence. Speak to a domestic violence attorney in St. Paul to learn about your legal options.
Since domestic violence cases can be nuanced, it’s important that your attorney truly hears your side of things. A domestic assault attorney should be experienced and professional but also compassionate and supportive.