Drug Crimes Attorney in St. Paul, MN
Having a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and experienced drug criminal defense lawyer in your corner is half the battle.
Experienced St. Paul Drug Crimes Lawyer
Despite the utter failure of the U.S. and Minnesota to stem the flow of drugs into the state and country or the usage here, the war on drugs continues whether it’s possession, sale, manufacturing and distribution. While there has been some changes, sentences can still be harsh. This is true at almost every level of offense. Add guns to felony drug charges and these come with mandatory minimum prison sentences.
It is important understand the distinctions and potentials sentences here in Minnesota between 1st degree felony drug possession or sale, 2nd degree felony drug possession or sale, 3rd degree felony drug possession or sale, 4th degree felony drug possession or sale, 5th degree felony drug possession or sale or 5th Degree Gross Misdemeanor Drug Possession. However, don’t forget recent developments in Delta-8 and Delta-10 and what that means.
No matter whether we are talking about misuse of prescription drugs, fentanyl, meth, cocaine, oxycontin, ecstasy, marijuana or more, the police can be extraordinarily aggressive. So, knowing how to handle your case is critical. For example, a major issue in drug cases is understanding search warrants, probable cause as well as the exceptions to search warrants requirements. St. Paul Criminal Defense Lawyer Jack Rice can address these and also possible alternatives like drug court, rehabilitation programs and other options. These may make all of the difference before or even after charge. How Do You Beat Drug Charges in Minnesota - 4 Steps to Success.
Frequently Charged Minnesota Drug Crimes
1st Degree Felony Drug Possession or Sale Charges
You could face a felony conviction, up to 40 years in prison and up to a $1,000,000 fine.
4th Degree Felony Drug Possession or Sale Charges
You could face a felony conviction, up to 15 years in prison and up to a $100,000 fine.
2nd Degree Felony Drug Possession or Sale Charges
You could face a felony conviction, up to 25 years in prison and up to a $500,000 fine.
5th Degree Felony Drug Possession or Sale Charges
You could face a felony conviction, up to 5 years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine.
3rd Degree Felony Drug Possession or Sale Charges
You could face a felony conviction, up to 20 years in prison and up to a $250,000 fine.
5th Degree Gross Misdemeanor Drug Possession Charges
You could face a felony conviction, up to 1 year in jail and up to a $3,000 fine.
What Our Clients are Saying
You Have Rights When Facing Drug Charges in St. Paul, Minnesota
The war on drugs that started in the 70’s and 80’s has been a disaster in this country. It resulted in an extraordinary number of Americans in general and Minnesotans in particular rotting away in prison cells because the government decided they all wanted to show how tough they were. This was the case regularly for those convicted of even small amounts of drugs or even those who had no records. It lasted for decades.
The drug laws have slowly changed here in Minnesota. For years, many drug laws had huge presumptive prison commits. As a result, if you were charged, the likelihood of a long prison commit could very easily be in your future. At the same time, and this was equally troubling, almost every charge was a felony. This created a whole series of complications in its own right, everything from housing to school to employment.
While times have changed, drug cases are still extremely complicated. Understanding the inner workings of search warrants and the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendment are critical to successfully defending drug charges. It is also important to understand when a search warrant isn’t necessary in order to do a search. At the same time, with the new laws and other alternative approaches available including diversion, 152.18 and drug court, understanding possible alternatives to the traditional confrontational judicial system can be equally critical.
Award-Winning St. Paul, MN Drug Crimes Lawyer
Jack Rice and his team have spent decades working with client charges with these kinds of cases. At the same time, he also has been working with diversion and drug court programs which if handled correctly may provide alternative resolution options that may result in no convictions. Sit down with Jack and see what kinds of options you might have.
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FAQs About Drug Crimes in St. Paul, MN
A drug crime is a crime that involves the possession, manufacturing, or distribution of any drug that is classified as a prohibited substance. Marijuana, narcotics, and prescription drugs used without a prescription are all prohibited substances in Minnesota.
Many defendants charged with a drug crime will have been accused of one of the following: possession of a drug, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession with intent to sell, or distribution. Within these categories are more diverse charges.
It is imperative that your attorney has experience with drug crime cases. MN drug charges attorneys who understand how the courts work and how to create an effective defense for a drug crime charge will ultimately be more helpful to their clients. It also helps to have a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist.
As soon as you believe you are suspected of any drug crime, contact a MN criminal defense attorney. By retaining an attorney prior to being charged, you skip the possibility of incriminating yourself during law enforcement’s surveillance or questioning. It is important to know your rights, even when you are “only” under investigation. An attorney will help you protect those rights.
Calling a drug possession charge “minor” is a misnomer. All drug charges are serious, and many are felonies. These charges also come with serious repercussions. You should always consult a drug charge attorney before you brush off your charges, no matter how minor they may seem.
Don’t attempt to prove that you are a victim of entrapment without the assistance of a MN drug crimes attorney. Instead, you may jeopardize your case. Tell your attorney what you believe about your case, and they will know which next steps to take.
If you are driving under the influence of an illicit substance, you are always at risk of being charged with a DWI – likely in addition to other charges, such as possession. DWIs in Minnesota aren’t strictly for alcohol consumption; anyone who is in an altered state due to drug use can be charged with a DWI if they get behind the wheel.
First, a drug crimes attorney can help you understand your charges and your rights. Your attorney will also represent you in a much more effective manner than if you tried to defend yourself. An attorney can also help you decide what case outcome is best for you. This will be beneficial information to have as you are formulating your defense. It also helps to have a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist.
If you are charged with a drug crime in St. Paul (or any other out of state locale), that state has jurisdiction over that crime. This means that you will be tried in that state and will have to face any punishment the state doles out for your drug crime. You will likely need to be present in-state for your hearings, which can be inconvenient and costly. This may be motivation for you to work with a drug crimes attorney to try to get your case dropped.
Choosing a good drug crimes attorney in St. Paul is all about their experience, philosophy, and client service. It also helps to have a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. You can also see what past clients have to say about the attorney by reading online reviews before you make your decision.