Criminal Vehicular Homicide Charges in St. Paul and Ramsey County? Call Jack Rice Defense Today.
If you are facing criminal vehicular homicide charges in St. Paul or Ramsey County, you need an experienced attorney who will fight for you. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free and confidential consultation at 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. When your future is on the line, make sure Jack Rice Defense is by your side.
“This kind of charge can change everything. It starts with serious bail issues and has the potential to go downhill from there.”
Understanding Criminal Vehicular Homicide in St. Paul and Ramsey County
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not only illegal but can also have devastating consequences. In Minnesota, if an impaired driver causes the death of another person, they can be charged with Criminal Vehicular Homicide (CVH)—a serious felony with severe penalties, including a lengthy prison sentence, heavy fines and the loss. In some cases, prosecutors may even pursue third-degree murder charges.
What Constitutes Criminal Vehicular Homicide in St. Paul and Ramsey County?
Criminal Vehicular Homicide occurs when a driver causes the death of another person while operating a vehicle under specific dangerous circumstances. These include:
Driving Under the Influence (DWI/DUI): This includes having a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 or higher, being impaired by any substance, or having any amount of a Schedule I or II controlled substance in your system.
Grossly Negligent or Reckless Driving: In some cases, prosecutors have aggressively charged individuals with this crime even for accidents involving minor traffic infractions, such as failing to stop at a stop sign or minor speeding violations. We have seen this even happen where a diver has fallen asleep without any alcohol in their system.
The Consequences of a Criminal Vehicular Homicide Conviction in St. Paul and Ramsey County
A conviction for Criminal Vehicular Homicide in Minnesota carries life-changing penalties, including:
Prison Time: A conviction can result in up to 10 years in prison—or more if aggravating factors are present.
Fines: Defendants can face fines of up to $20,000.
Loss of Driver’s License: A conviction leads to a license revocation for at least 10 years, making daily life and employment difficult.
Prosecutors are increasingly aggressive in pursuing these charges, even going as far as filing third-degree murder charges to strengthen their negotiating position during plea discussions.
If you’re facing charges, contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation at 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.
Defending Against Criminal Vehicular Homicide and Third-Degree Murder Charges in St. Paul and Ramsey County
Considering the severe consequences of a Criminal Vehicular Homicide or third-degree murder charge, a strong defense is critical. An experienced St. Paul criminal defense attorney can employ several strategies to challenge the charges and reduce potential penalties.
1. Challenging Evidence of Intoxication
The accuracy of blood alcohol tests, breathalyzer results, and other evidence can be disputed. If tests were improperly administered or results were inaccurate, charges may be reduced or dismissed.
2. Accident Reconstruction
Expert testimony from accident reconstruction specialists can demonstrate that external factors—such as poor road conditions or mechanical failure—contributed to the accident, rather than the defendant’s actions.
3. Challenging Causation
The prosecution must prove that the defendant’s actions directly caused the fatality. If reasonable doubt can be introduced regarding the actual cause of death, an acquittal may be possible.
4. Negligence vs. Gross Negligence
Distinguishing between ordinary negligence and gross negligence is crucial. If the defense can establish that the defendant’s actions did not rise to the level of recklessness, the severity of charges and penalties may be reduced.
5. Negotiating a Plea Bargain
In some cases, a skilled defense attorney can negotiate with prosecutors to reduce charges. For instance, a third-degree murder charge or Criminal Vehicular Homicide charge could be reduced to a lesser offense, such as a standard DWI, which carries significantly lighter penalties.
“Sometimes, there is no alternative to experience. Jack has been here before, many times. Put his experience to work for you.”
Why Choose Jack Rice Defense?
Criminal Vehicular Homicide is one of the most serious charges a person can face in Minnesota. The consequences, including long-term imprisonment, substantial fines, and loss of driving privileges, can change your life forever.
Jack Rice Defense brings unparalleled experience to your case. As a former prosecutor, a former U.S. Federal Agent, and a board-certified criminal law specialist, Jack Rice has the knowledge and expertise to build a powerful defense on your behalf.
Take Action Now
If you or a loved one is facing Criminal Vehicular Homicide or third-degree murder charges, don’t wait. Contact Jack Rice Defense today for a free and confidential consultation. Call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339 to discuss your case and start building your defense.