How Much is Bail for a Domestic Assault Charge in Minnesota?

If you are arrested and taken into custody in Minnesota for domestic assault, you are required to appear before a Judge to determine bail and/or conditions of release. An experienced domestic assault defense attorney can help here. Even still, this doesn’t mean that the case is over but rather what conditions the Judge will impose pending the outcome of the case. If you are facing serious domestic assault charges make sure that you consult with an experienced Minnesota Domestic Assault Defense Attorney.

Can the Judge Require Bail in my Domestic Assault Case?

The simple answer to that question is yes. This is true even if this is your fist offense. Depending upon the type of charge, the maximum bail amount could vary. This is generally driven by the seriousness of the charge, your danger to society and your likelihood to reappear to Court. It is the Judge you stand before on this day who gets to make this determination.

For help, call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

Misdemeanor Domestic Assaults

For misdemeanor domestic assault charges in Minnesota, the Court could set bail as high as 10 times the maximum fine amount. In other words, the Court could set bail at $10,000 without conditions. It is important to note that the Court must set a bail amount without conditions. See below for conditions of release as a possible alternative the cash bail.

Gross Misdemeanor Domestic Assaults

For gross misdemeanor domestic assault charges, just like with misdemeanors, the Court can set bail at up to 10 times the maximum fine amount. So, this means up to $30,000 without conditions. Again, the Court must set a bail amount without conditions. See below for conditions of release as a possible alternative the cash bail.

Conditions of Release

As an alternative to setting a cash bail amount or possibly a combination or cash and conditions, the Judge could set conditions of release. Again, these conditions are generally based upon the particular circumstances surrounding the allegations, the seriousness of the offense and other concerns of the Court. These conditions can vary but they may include:

  • a chemical dependency evaluation;

  • a no use provision with testing for drugs and alcohol;

  • a psychological evaluation;

  • staying in contact with conditional release authorities.

No Contact Order

In certain jurisdictions including Ramsey County, the Judges frequently issue no-contact orders at bail or first appearances. They almost seem to do this out of habit regardless of any extenuating or mitigating circumstances. What this means is that if you live with the person who made the allegations to the police, you likely will not be allowed to return to your home until the Judge lifts the No Contact Order. This is the case regardless of whether the complaining witness wants the No Contact Order, whether the house is yours, whether you pay the rent, whether they were just staying temporarily and a whole list of other reasons. As a result, this No Contact provision can frequently one of the worst aspects of domestic assault charges in the short term. In addition, while you could avoid all other conditions of release by simply posting the cash bail set by the Court, the No Contact Order provision may be imposed regardless.

Go with Experience

If you are charged with a domestic assault in Minnesota, whether it is a misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor or felony, the ramifications are serious. Consultation with an experienced Minnesota Domestic Assault Defense Attorney as soon as possible.

Jack Rice is an experienced domestic assault attorney, former prosecutor, former CIA Officer and Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. Jack’s got your back.


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