If I’m Charged with Rape in Minnesota and I’m Guilty, Can a Lawyer Help?

If you are guilty of rape or other sex crime that you have been charged with in Minnesota, some believe that it is pointless to hire an attorney. After all, if you did it, the only real option is to go to the prosecutor, take responsibility, plead guilty and hope that the Judge will cut you a break. Right? You might hear this from relatives, friends and others who have never been in the criminal justice system.

After decades in the system on both sides of the aisle as both prosecutor and defense attorney, I can say unequivocally, this is frequently the absolute worst thing that you can do. Remember, the State has the burden to prove you committed any crime and they can’t compel you to admit anything. If you are charged with a serious sex crime in Minnesota, even if you did it, sit down with a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and experienced Minnesota Sex Crimes Defense Attorney and learn your options.

“As the old saying goes, ‘Honesty is the best policy.’  However, in the criminal justice system, cops and prosecutors will regularly use this against you.”

Plea Agreements

When negotiating plea agreements, prosecutors regularly assess their cases based upon the likelihood of a conviction. In other words, if their case is really strong and easy to prove, they have no reason to negotiate a positive outcome. They will hit you hard. If they don’t have all of the evidence, they are frequently more willing to consider alternatives and lesser charges and sentences. Based upon this, what do you think will happen if you go to the police and prosecutor and “I did it.”  That’s the problem.  “Honesty is the best policy” may be the worst thing you do.

Hiring a lawyer may be the most important decision you can make, especially if you did it. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help guide you in so many ways. They can assess the quality of the State’s case.  At the same time, even if you did it, they may have the ability to negotiate from a position of strength with the prosecution to seek a far more favorable outcome than if you walked into the courtroom, hat in hand and simply said, “I did it." This distinction may truly be critical in the outcome of the case.  

Case Dismissed

Remember, while the State has the burden of proof in your case, they also have the obligation to do everything correctly as part of their investigation.  In fact, if they fail to do this, an experienced Minnesota criminal defense attorney may be able to suppress evidence which means that the State may have to dismiss or it may severely weaken the State’s ability to prosecute. This is all true regardless of whether you did it or not.  As you can see, this is a perfect example of why you want an experienced Minnesota criminal defense lawyer by your side even if you are guilty of the crime. 

“Because rape convictions can be brutal, don’t make decisions blindly that you can’t come back from.”

If you are facing rape or other sex crime related charges in Minnesota, even if you did it, consulting with an experienced Minnesota criminal defense attorney may be the best decision you’ll ever make. You can learn about your rights, some ideas about the strength of the State’s case, what may happen and where you go next. A rape conviction could put you in prison for a very long time and could also result in your registering as a sex offender. Having somebody fight for your rights at this stage can make all of the difference. 

Jack Rice is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, a former prosecutor, and former CIA Officer. He is also the Founder of Jack Rice Defense.  Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.


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For the Defense, Make the Jury a Member of the Team - Jack Rice on Court TV