Jack Rice Appears on Times of London Evening Program to Discuss the Power of Pictures in the Derek Chauvin Murder Trial

A picture is worth a thousand words. Yes, it is an old line but it is also true. Watching video, hearing the words, the breaths, the screams, the cursing, the crying, is extraordinarily powerful. If fact, it is a=often so powerful that people, jurors, will make decisions based upon it. Watching this first week of testimony in the Derek Chauvin murder trial, it would be hard to not be moved as you watch George Floyd dying in the street over and over and over again.

Jack Rice appears on Times of London Evening program to discuss how, as a criminal defense lawyer, you can counter that kind of testimony. He will look at the prosecution approach and explain the power of analysis and emotion and then talk about Defense efforts to blunt it. He will also talk about what comes next, what the prosecution should be concerned about and where the pitfalls are. He also look at why autopsy reports will be critical in this case.

Jack Rice is the founder of Jack Rice Defense in Minnesota, is a former prosecutor, a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, and a Criminal Defense attorney. If you are facing serious felony charges, contact Jack Rice Defense for a free consultation.


Jack Rice Appears on Voice of America Intl. to Discuss Chauvin Murder Trial and Whether Reform is Possible


Jack Rice Appears on the BBC to Discuss Why Evidence and Emotion are Powerful Parts of the Chauvin Murder Trial.