Jack Trains Lawyers on Restorative Justice at Criminal Justice Institute

To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. This is an old line but there is something to it. In criminal cases, the standard approach is: arrest, prosecution, conviction, prison. It happens again and again. However, what if there are alternatives? What if there is simply a better answer?

The Criminal Justice Institute is the premier program for teaching criminal justice professionals throughout the upper Midwest. Presenters including Supreme Court Justices, the Attorney General, prosecutors, criminal defense lawyers, police officers and more.

To a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Jack is privileged to present before this esteemed group again this year. Along with the extraordinary civil rights lawyer Willow Jean Najjar Anderson and the no less extraordinary Dr. raj sethuraju, Jack will to be teaching about alternative resolution models in criminal cases including restorative justice.

This invitation arises out of Jack and Ms. Anderson’s representation of the man who pulled down the Cristopher Columbus statue in front of the Capitol in St. Paul in 2020. This case received media attention from all over the world and lead to similar statues being pulled down across the globe.

In the end, Jack and Ms. Anderson were successful in using a restorative justice model to defend their client and avoiding a criminal conviction. In fact, the two have advised other attorneys around the country in how to use this model. They will be sharing their expertise with other lawyers who may have clients who might also benefit from such an approach.

Jack Rice is the founder of Jack Rice Defense. Jack is a former prosecutor, a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, and a seasoned and award winning criminal defense lawyer. For a free confidential consultation, contact Jack Rice Defense.


Negotiating a Plea Agreement is a Critical Tool in Defending a Client.


Jack Appears on KGO San Francisco to Talk Threading the Criminal Sentencing Needle - Jack Rice