Minnesota Extended Juvenile Jurisdiction - Opportunity and Exposure

When it comes to juvenile crimes in Minnesota, the state has developed a system that aims to both provide opportunities for rehabilitation and hold young offenders accountable for their actions. One such approach is the Extended Juvenile Jurisdiction (EJJ), which offers a hybrid, dual-sanction program for juveniles accused of serious felony offenses. Let's explore the concept of EJJ using an example from Minnesota's juvenile justice system. If your child is facing juvenile charges, make sure you have an experienced Defense attorney by your side.

“If your child is facing serious juvenile charges, they absolutely risk the possibility of something called “Adult Certification.” In other words, they could be treated like qn adult including an adult sentence.”

A Case Study

In a recent case that made headlines, a 17-year-old pleaded guilty to an amended count of first-degree manslaughter in connection with the fatal stabbing of a student at Harding High School in St. Paul. This case demonstrates how the EJJ system can come into play for serious offenses committed by juveniles.

How EJJ Works

Under normal circumstances, the court can only retain jurisdiction over a juvenile until they reach the age of 18. Hence, prosecutors often seek adult certification. However, EJJ allows the court to retain jurisdiction over the child until the age of 21. This extended jurisdiction provides an opportunity for continued oversight and the implementation of specific services or additional requirements for the child.

The purpose of EJJ is to prevent a juvenile from receiving an adult conviction. This is seen as an opportunity, as the juvenile remains in the juvenile justice system while transitioning into adulthood, ultimately avoiding the lifelong consequences of an adult conviction. However, it's important to note that there is also serious exposure involved.

Along with the juvenile court sentencing, the court stays an adult court sentence, meaning that the potential adult conviction is held over the child's head until they turn 21. If the child fails to fulfill all the obligations of their juvenile probation, along with abiding by the law, the court can impose the adult conviction. This emphasizes the importance of compliance and meeting the requirements of the EJJ program.

EJJ is often viewed as an opportunity for the right child. It allows them to remain within the juvenile justice system and offers a chance for rehabilitation and growth. However, there are cases where an adult conviction could result in a longer prison sentence than if the crime were committed by an adult. This highlights the need for experienced Juvenile Crimes Attorneys to evaluate the specific circumstances of each case and determine the best course of action.

“With a skilled hand at you side, EJJ can present an opportunity. However, it comes with substantial risk.”

Go with the Best

When a child is facing juvenile charges, it is crucial to consult with an experienced Juvenile Crimes Attorney who can navigate the complexities of the juvenile justice system. Jack Rice Defense, with its extensive experience in handling juvenile cases in Minnesota courtrooms, can provide the guidance and support needed during these challenging times.

In conclusion, the Minnesota Extended Juvenile Jurisdiction program offers both opportunities and risks for young offenders. It provides a chance to avoid an adult conviction and receive rehabilitative services, but also holds the potential for an adult conviction if obligations are not met. It is essential to seek legal counsel to understand the best approach for your child's specific case. Let Jack Rice Defense stand with you and your child throughout this process. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. When your life is on the line, make sure Jack Rice Defense is in your corner.

Jack is a nationally recognized and award winning criminal defense lawyer, awarded Minnesota Super Lawyer for 2023, Among the Best Lawyers of 2022, winner of the Minnesota Attorney of the Year Award for 2021 and founder of Jack Rice Defense. He was awarded the Professional Excellence Award from the MSBA for 2020, and is an MSBA Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. He is also a former Prosecutor and a former U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Officer. This St. Paul Criminal Defense Lawyer has decades of experience successfully representing thousands of clients facing everything from Sex Crimes, Child Pornography, Domestic Assault to DWI to Murder to other serious criminal charges.


(651) 447-7650


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