The Importance of Severance of Co-Defendants in Criminal Cases: Ensuring Fair Trials for All

In high-profile criminal cases involving multiple defendants, the issue of severance—requesting separate trials for each defendant—often arises. This article aims to explain why severance of co-defendants is crucial in ensuring fair trials by examining a case involving three former Memphis officers and the denial of their request for separate trials. By understanding the arguments put forth by the defense and the legal framework surrounding severance, we can better appreciate the significance of providing each defendant the opportunity to present their case individually. If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota such as murder, assault, drug charges, felony theft and more, make sure you consult with an experienced Minnesota criminal defense attorney.

“The problem with trying co-defendants together is that juries will frequently hold people responsible for what others did, not what the person themselves did.”


Recently, three former Memphis officers filed motions to sever their cases from co-defendants. The officers are accused of participating in the fatal beating during a traffic stop. With the violent incident caught on police video, their defense lawyers argued that a joint trial would hinder their ability to receive fair determinations of guilt or innocence.

Denial of Request:

Despite the defense's arguments, Shelby County Judge James Jones Jr. denied the requests for severance, maintaining that it was not necessary to protect the defendants' rights to a fair determination. While this decision may seem counterintuitive, it is essential to examine the legal principles and considerations surrounding severance.

Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

Minnesota Severance Law:

In evaluating the denial of the requests for severance, it is crucial to analyze Minnesota Severance Law (631.035). This law allows for the joinder of defendants if they are alleged to have participated in the same act, transaction, or series of acts constituting an offense. It further grants the court discretion to grant severance if a defendant can demonstrate prejudice from the joinder.

Ensuring Fair Trials:

Severance of co-defendants is a cornerstone of the justice system, primarily because it helps ensure the fair administration of justice. There are several reasons why severance is crucial in criminal cases:

  1. Preservation of Individual Rights: Each defendant has the right to present their case and confront the evidence against them. In a joint trial, the lines between the co-defendants may become blurred, potentially resulting in unfair prejudice or confusion among jurors.

  2. Prejudice and Bias Mitigation: When co-defendants are tried together, there is a risk that evidence or testimonies relating to one defendant may unfairly influence the perception of the others. Severance prevents this prejudicial contamination by providing a fair and impartial evaluation of each defendant's alleged actions.

  3. Elimination of Conflicting Interests: Co-defendants often have different defenses and strategies. In a joint trial, conflict of interest may arise, as the defendants might turn against each other to protect their own interests. Severance allows each defendant to focus on presenting their defense without the risk of compromising their case.

  4. Ruling Out Guilt by Association: A joint trial creates the potential for guilt by association. Jurors might be inclined to attribute the actions and charges against one defendant to all co-defendants, despite individual variances in culpability. Severance helps ensure that guilt or innocence is established solely on individual merits.

“People should be held accountable for what they do but they aren’t responsible for all of the evils in the world.”


The denial of the severance request by the judge in the case involving the former Memphis officers may prove challenging for their defense. However, understanding the importance of severance in criminal cases allows us to appreciate the need for individual presentations of evidence and arguments. By emphasizing fair trials that protect the rights of each defendant, the justice system can maintain its integrity and ultimate goal of truth-seeking and justice.

Jack Rice is a nationally renowned criminal defense attorney based in St. Paul, MN. He is a former prosecutor, former CIA Officer and a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. He is also the founder of Jack Rice Defense, a boutique criminal defense firm. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. When your life is on the line, Jack Rice Defense will stand by your side.


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