Understanding Child Pornography in Minnesota


Child pornography charges in Minnesota are among the most severe criminal charges an individual can face. The legal consequences associated with these charges are highly significant, and the societal repercussions can be even more detrimental. The impact on careers, housing, relationships, and community perception cannot be overlooked. This article aims to explore the definition of child pornography and its implications. If you are facing serious child pornography charges, it is essential to seek the assistance of the best child pornography lawyer in Minnesota.

“Pornography: I know it when I see it. But do you?”

Understanding the Definition of Child Pornography:

Child pornography is broadly defined in Minnesota as any form of depiction, including photographs, videos, or other expressions, that involve a minor engaged in sexual behavior. The Minnesota Statute casts a wide net, encompassing various scenarios. Notably, the interpretation of the statute can be subjective, as exemplified by a case involving a coach who was wrongfully charged due to innocent pictures of his children. These incidents necessitate a careful examination of the legal framework and its potential implications.

According to Minnesota Statute 617.246, child pornography is defined as:

  1. An original or reproduced picture, film, photograph, negative, slide, videotape, videodisc, or drawing depicting a sexual performance by a minor; or

  2. Any visual depiction, including photographs, films, videos, pictures, drawings, negatives, slides, computer-generated images, or pictures, created, altered, or modified by electronic, mechanical, or other means that involves:

    a. The use of a minor to depict actual or simulated sexual conduct;

    b. The creation, adaptation, or modification of content to falsely portray identifiable minors engaging in sexual conduct;

    c. Advertising, promoting, describing, presenting, or distributing material in a manner that conveys the impression of a visual depiction involving a minor engaged in sexual conduct.

Defenses against Child Pornography Charges:

It is crucial to recognize that defenses exist for child pornography charges. It is advisable to consult with an experienced Child Pornography Attorney in Minnesota to fully understand your legal options and build a solid defense strategy.

The Importance of Legal Representation:

If you are facing charges related to the possession, distribution, or production of child pornography in Minnesota, it is imperative to secure the services of a highly skilled Child Pornography Criminal Defense Lawyer. The severity of these charges demands expert legal counsel to navigate the legal complexities effectively and protect your rights. Jack Rice, a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist with extensive experience in child pornography cases throughout Minnesota, can provide you with the necessary support and guidance.

“There are three different levels of child porn charges. The ramifications or each can be severe.”

Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free and confidential consultation, either by calling 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. Protecting your future is paramount, and Jack Rice is committed to standing by your side throughout the legal process.


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