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What are the Elements of a DWI in Minnesota?
What exactly are the things that the State has to prove to convict me of a DWI? Is it any different if I have prior? How can Jack Rice Defense help?
Will Ignition Interlock Help Me Get My Minnesota License Back?
Dealing with the Department of Public Safety can give difficult in the best of times. And COVID to the mix and it can be brutal. However, try to get your license back after a DWI that requires Interlock. Here is the step-by-step process including the Interlock company phone numbers.
How to Obtain a Minnesota Limited License After a DWI - A Step by Step Guide
We all live pretty close to the financial edge. Imagine trying to do it without a driver’s license. So, after DWI charge and my license is revoked, exactly who is allowed to get one and what is the process in order to do? This is a step-by-step guide.
Groundbreaking Restorative Justice Case Finds Success in Minnesota
MN Attorneys Jack Rice and Willow Anderson implemented a restorative justice model focused on community healing - successfully navigating a new alternative to the traditional criminal justice system.